1. RENYI's Destructible Vinyl Security Label is designed to break apart if tampered with, making it virtually impossible to remove in one piece; and discouraging unauthorized asset transfers. This label is constructed of a 2.0 mil white cast vinyl face stock, with a 0.8 mil permanent pressure-sensitive adhesive. The adhesive is designed to permanently bond to high and low surface energy plastics, textured and contoured surfaces, powder coatings, and slightly oily metals. Our Destructible Vinyl Security label has good resistance to general purpose and household cleaners, mild acids, oil and water. Expected exterior life is up to two years.
2. Label Holographic Destructible nduweni fitur sing ora bisa dikupas minangka label kabeh yen wis nemplek ing permukaan aplikasi. bisa digunakake kanggo bukti tamper utawa label garansi OPEN VOID. label anti-theif lan anti-pemalsuan.
Sawise nyopot label, label bakal dipotong-potong. wis digunakake ing bidang kemasan lan elektronik sawise layanan adol lsp.
3. Shredding, pencetakan, garing kanthi cepet sajrone 4 jam kanthi tinta cetak biasa, ditrapake kanggo macem-macem ukuran label. Gampang mbusak bahan ekstra. Sawise tetep ing obyek, ora bisa dibukak kanthi rusak.
Produk No. | CCDC020 |
Facestock | Film asetat sing jelas |
Kandel | 0,002 inci |
Adesif | Acrylic pelarut |
Liner | Simpenan kertas sing digawe putih, super kalender 0,0032 inci |
Werna | Transparan |
Layanan Suhu | -40 ° F-300 ° F |
Suhu Aplikasi | 45 ° F |
Nyithak | Werna Lengkap |
Fitur | Produk iki bisa dicithak nganggo tinta film sing paling fleksibel. Produk iki bisa diukum lan diudani kacepetan dhuwur ing tekanan web standar. Label sampel kanthi macem-macem bentuk wis diwenehake lan ditrapake kanthi sukses nganggo sistem label standar |
Ukurane | Disesuaikan |