1. Kertas termal langsung duwe bubuk sensitif panas khusus, mula nalika nyithak ora butuh pita transfer termal. Dadi bisa ngindhari sampah pita lan ngirit biaya akeh.
RENYI can provide several different types of direct thermal paper stickers. All have the good features for waterproof, resistance to oil and chemical.
1. Stiker kertas tema langsung sing normal
2. Stiker kertas termal loro sing bisa dicopot
3. Stiker kertas tema langsung Syethnic
4. PP stiker kertas termal langsung
2. RENYI can provide several different types of direct thermal paper stickers. All have the good features for waterproof, resistance to oil and chemical.
1. Stiker kertas arah langsung syethnik
2. PP stiker kertas termal langsung
3. Tabel termal langsung nduweni fitur kaya ing ngisor iki:
Kinerja pencetakan sing apik karo printer transfer termal. Kalis banyu, resisit menyang Minyak lan kimia.
4. Tabel termal langsung duwe fitur kaya ing ngisor iki:
Struktur sing bisa dicopot rong lapisan khusus, digunakake ing industri logistik.
Produk No. | CCDT085 |
Facestock | Kertas kayu putih sing alus |
Kandel | 80 g / m2, 0,085mm |
Adesif | Adhesif adhedhasar karet permanen tujuan khusus. |
Liner | Kertas gelas putih 60 g / m², 0,053 mm |
Werna | Putih |
Suhu Layanan | -15 ℃ -60 ℃ |
Suhu Aplikasi | 10 ° C |
Nyithak | Werna Lengkap |
Fitur | Kinerja pencetakan sing apik karo printer transfer termal. Kalis banyu, resisit menyang Minyak lan kimia. |
Ukurane | Disesuaikan |