Stiker jar kosmetik

Label pengepakan desain sing berkualitas lan apik bisa nggawe produk kosmetik luwih profesional lan apik.

Uga label kudu nduwe cetakan sing cetha kanggo nggawe produk supaya pangguna bisa ngerti babagan aplikasi sing bener.

RENYI can supply various nice look facestock materails and high quality printing to raise your product value greatly, the best solution of adhesive can make the stickers always on your products permanently whatever the condition will be.

RENYI also can supply the special multiple layer stickers which has now been widely used for cosmetics packaging labels as the instruction books.

Label kemasan kosmetik duwe komposisi kaya ing ngisor iki:
Label kasebut kalebu telung bagean: Facestock, Lem lan Liner

Biasane Facestock yaiku film poliethelin putih, film polietilen transparan lan film polietilen perak padhang.

Biasa liner yaiku: Kertas gelas putih 61 g / m2, 0,055mm lan kertas gelas putih 80 g / m², 0,070 mm

Label pengepakan desain sing berkualitas lan apik bisa nggawe produk kosmetik luwih profesional lan apik.

RENYI can supply various nice look facestock materails and high quality printing to raise your product value greatly, the best solution of adhesive can make the stickers always on your products permanently whatever the condition will be.

Produk No.CCPET085
FacestockFilm polietilen transparan
Kandel80 g / m², 0,085 mm
adesif adhedhasar
LinerKertas gelas putih
80 g / m², 0,070 mm
-29 ℃ -93 ℃
-5 ° C
NyithakWerna Lengkap
FiturKanggo njamin obligasi tinta lan tinta sing optimal,
pangobatan korona in-line tambahan yaiku