Label sayuran buah

1. For food packaging, we need to put the sticky labels onto the packaging to make it more attractive and to let all the information of the drinks to be listed on the labels. RENYI Custom stickers can be all customized. Sheet stickers and wine bottle labels are available in serveral size and shape.

RENYI roll stickers are available in four shapes, including square, rectangle, oval and circles. No matter what you need, we have a sticker for you.

2. Ana akeh bahan liyane. Kita milih bahan miturut panggunaan label. Panggunaan sing beda-beda butuh bahan sing beda.

3. Aplikasi

Asring digunakake kanggo stiker Pangan, pasokan kesehatan perawatan Day, label Kantor, label kode bar, stiker cetakan warna, label karton; Label obat, label laboratorium label botol, label multi warna kanthi kualitas dhuwur; Label komoditas, label informasi omah, label identifikasi produk, dolanan, buku lsp.

4. Kita umume nggawe lan nyithak macem-macem stiker label adesif kustom, stiker label transparan plastik, stiker label hologram, stiker Vinil / PET / PVC / PP / OPP / BOPP, label hang kertas lan label paket liyane kanggo macem-macem produk. Glossy utawa Matt Lamination, Glossy utawa Matte Vernished, UV Spot, Foil panas utawa foil adhem, Embossing, Laser

Produk No.CCPPW040
FacestockBOPP Putih
AdesifPerekat akrilik permanen
LinerLiner putih glassine
Suhu Layanan-20 ° F -200 ° F
Suhu Aplikasi23 ° F
NyithakWerna Lengkap
Fitur Iki nuduhake keseimbangan kekuatan kohesif sing dhuwur lan adhesi menyang substrat energi permukaan rendah kanggo kinerja tahan kontainer sing bisa diencerake. Dirancang khusus kanggo nampilake karakteristik wetout sing apik lan bisa dicopot jangka pendek.