Label stiker ban

1. Label tahan lama kanggo identifikasi ban anyar lan bekas kanggo kontrol panyimpenan lan inventaris. Cocog kanggo digunakake ing garasi, dealer mobil, stasiun layanan mobil khusus, fasilitas panyimpenan lan yard. Diregani kanthi kompetitif

Tancepake kanthi kuat ing kabeh jinis ban karet (kendaraan, motor, sepeda, pesawat, traktor, lsp) uga kanggo produk karet liyane. Digawe saka kertas khusus, tahan kanggo nyandhang lan suwek, lingkungan Arktik sing adhem lan panas banget, banyu, asor lan kahanan sing angel liyane. Perekat sing kuwat banget bakal tetep ana, sanajan ana banyu lan kelembapan.

Bisa dicithak nganggo barcode 1D lan 2D, nomer serial, teks lan grafis nggunakake printer transfer termal. Uga nampa nulis kanthi spidol permanen, pena lan instrumen nulis liyane.

Label ban karet nganggo warna lan putih. Label sing digawe khusus bisa diwenehake kanthi ukuran, wujud, warna lan konfigurasi apa wae. Kita uga bisa nyithak logo perusahaan, grafis uga data, miturut spesifikasi klien

2. RENYI offers one of the most aggressive adhesives in the industry designed specifically for the surfaces of tires. Our tire label products have been developed in direct response to the demands of the tire label industry. These products are non-staining, flexographic and thermal transfer printable, compatible in "Print and Apply" applications, and possess one of the highest shear values in the industry. A patterned or full coat product is available and consumers can select from a wide range of adhesives and coat weights. Contact our Customer Service Department at 800-345-8039 for more information on our tire label products.

Produk No.CCTLPP060
FacestockPutih kinclong
film polipropilena (PP)
45 g / m², 0,060 mm
Pelapis Khusus0,180mm lapisan laminasi lan foil penghalang
AdesifAdhesif adhedhasar karet permanen tujuan khusus.
LinerKertas gelas putih
85 g / m², 0,082 mm
WernaPutih Mengkilap
Suhu Serice-30 ℃ -80 ℃
Suhu Aplikasi-10 ° C
NyithakWerna Lengkap
FiturCocog kanggo label otomatis