Label Suhu Tinggi

Film polimida putih gloss iki Stiker suhu dhuwur dirancang kanggo memenuhi kualitas kinerja sing dituntut kanthi digunakake ing suhu sing dhuwur banget. Properti kasebut cocog banget kanggo label kode bar transfer termal sing ditrapake sajrone produksi papan sirkuit cetak. Kualitas tinggi lan hemat biaya, umume digunakake dening pabrikan ing industri elektronik, otomotif lan alat.

Sanggup tahan suhu ekstrem sing ana ing solder komponen, label label unggul iki malah tahan kanggo kontak langsung karo solder bebas timah, sing umume 30 nganti 40 ° C luwih dhuwur tinimbang solder adhedhasar timah konvensional. Film kasebut uga bakal njaga keputihan, kabisan barcode lan kinerja perekat nalika kena 300 ° C nganti sak menit.

Polimida putih topcoated sing mulus, konsisten, dhuwur-opacity, nyithak resolusi dhuwur (600dpi) lan nampa tinta konvensional uga pencetakan transfer termal kanthi pita resin premium.

Peningkatan daya tahan lan resistensi kimia sing dhuwur mesthekake film tetep tetep ing tahap pasca pambangunan dewan sirkuit, kalebu fase reresik sing angel sing bisa nggunakake kalorone inframerah, uga bahan kimia sing atos. Dheweke uga resistensi banget kanggo abrasi lan smudging pita.

When you need high temperature labels for specialty applications, RYLabels offers a complete selection of products to meet your requirements. Our Polyimide Labels are ideal for use in extreme high temperatures and applications involving harsh industrial solvents. We offer high temperature labels that can withstand temperatures up to 1,000°F for a few seconds, temperatures greater than 700°F for a few minutes, and above 500°F for hours.

√ Tahan paparan sing suwe kanggo proses suhu tinggi (autoklaf)
√ Cocog kanggo digunakake ing kaca sing rata, terisolasi, lan laminasi
√ Saham label sing bisa dicithak kanthi cetho kanthi adesif akrilik sing bisa dicopot
√ Kompatibel karo proses pencetakan transfer termal (pita resin 100% dibutuhake)
√ Copot kanthi gampang tanpa turahan

Why order my High Temperature Labels from RYLabels?

It is important that you choose the most capable and reliable source for your high temperature labels. RYLabels offers a wide selection of materials as well as lab testing to determine the best materials for your application. Here are some of the other advantages you’ll enjoy when you order from RYLabels:

√ Jumlah Gedhe lan Cilik
√ Cepet Nguripake
√ Bantuan Aplikasi Ahli
√ Label Cetak Transfer Termal
√ Produk Komponen Label sing Dikenal UL