Label stiker batere

1. Suhu batere mesthi mundhak nganti dhuwur, mula kita butuh adesif khusus lan facestock khusus kanggo nolak suhu dhuwur.
RENYI's high temperature labels can fully meet the temperature resistance of battery labels to keep the good performance of the stickers on battery with long term.

2. Kita duwe tim profesional, peralatan canggih lan layanan purna jual sing apik. Kita yakin bisa ngatasi kabeh masalah label lan menehi solusi label sing sampurna kanggo sampeyan!

3. We have a professional team,the advanced equipment and the good after sale service. The temperature of battery always raise to high level, so we need special adhesive and special facestock to resist to the high temperature. RENYI's high temperature labels can fully meet the temperature resistance of battery labels to keep the good performance of the stickers on battery with long term.

4. Kabeh produk disesuaikan. Produksi cetak adhedhasar desain sampeyan. Dadi, kita bisa uga njaluk sampeyan menehi kriya desain kanthi garis panduan / dimensi ing file resolusi dhuwur kanggo diskusi luwih dhisik sadurunge menehi penawaran.

5. Bahan biasane yaiku Vinyl, Eco-friendly PVC, Kertas, akrilik, anti banyu, lsp ... Werna CMYK, warna Pantone utawa miturut desain sampeyan

Produk No.CCHLPI025
FacestockFilm Polimida (PI)
Kandel0,025 mm
27 g / m2
AdesifPerekat akrilik modifikasi silikon transparan lan permanen
LinerKertas kraft matte
80 g / m2, 0,165mm
WernaPutih, Ijo, Jambon, Ireng, Biru
Suhu Serice-40 ℃ ~ 400 ℃
Suhu Aplikasi-10 ° C
NyithakWerna Lengkap
FiturPencetakan UV sing cocog lan nyithak transfer termal.
Kinerja apik ing logam.