Label botol sampo

Label botol sampo CCPPT052

Facestock saka label kemasan produk perawatan pribadi biasane yaiku: BOPP Putih, BOPP Cetha, BOPP Metallized lan Rainbow Holographic.

Lapisan label kemasan produk perawatan pribadi biasane yaiku: Liner putih glassine.

Sampeyan bisa nyithak nomer warna Pantone, bentuk apa wae, ukuran apa wae, Efek sing apik kanggo stiker bocah.

Label kemasan produk perawatan pribadi duwe fitur kaya ing ngisor iki:
Bisa tahan suhu sithik lan dhuwur, kanthi adesif sing kuat, bisa digunakake kanggo Label ban.
Warna mutiara khusus PP mesthi digunakake kanggo instruksi lapisan dobel kanggo botol obat lan kosmetik.

Butuh label botol sampo that make your design outshine and outlast the competition? Labels for shampoo bottles from RENYI are made from durable, long-lasting materials and come in a variety of sizes to give your products the most professional look on the market.

RENYI offers many options for shampoo bottle labels, and our materials and laminates withstand the tough conditions your shampoo will encounter. Our label options can protect your shampoo bottle labels from the wear and tear of bottle-squeezing and the wet shower environment. The industry-leading experts at RENYI make it easy to create high-quality labels for shampoo bottles without wringing out your budget.

Perusahaan bath and body utama, pabrikan produk perawatan rambut cilik lan kabeh sing ana ing tengah ngerti manawa menehi label label sampo sing apik lan profesional katon penting. Bagean kasebut yaiku kajelasan babagan desain label lan informasi produk. Wong saya tambah sadar babagan bahan ing produk sing digunakake ing rambut lan awake saben dina, lan label botol sampo ngidini sampeyan ndhaptar peringatan alergi lan bahan alami kanthi cara informatif sing apik banget.

With RENYI' four-color processing, the images on your custom shampoo bottle labels will be vibrant, ensuring that your products look professional and attractive. Whether your shampoos are eco-friendly, deep-cleansing or aromatic, we provide you with the tools you need to effectively convey your brand message. Create a polished final product by laminating with a matte or glossy finish, which provides extra ink protection. Our water- and oil- resistant BOPP labels are great choices for shampoo bottles, and they won’t wrinkle or wash off. These labels are available in clear, white and chrome.

Kanggo menehi sawetara ide babagan carane bisa mbantu nggawe paket produk lengkap, ing ngisor iki sawetara opsi materi lan kustomisasi kanggo nggawe gelembung jus kreatif. Tim layanan pelanggan sing darmabakti uga seneng menehi rekomendasi khusus adhedhasar desain label lan wadhah.

  • Kertas & Film: Saka kertas sing larang regane biaya nganti film murni, kita duwe bahan sing cocog karo macem-macem anggaran lan kebutuhan daya tahan.
  • Metallic: Wenehi label sampo premium kanthi film foil, kertas perak metalik, utawa stamping foil adhem.
  • Khusus: Yen sampeyan kudu cocog karo akeh informasi produk menyang label sampo tanpa nganggo botol, label lengen nyilikake awak lengkap, lan label multi-lapisan minangka solusi sing apik.

Tarik pelanggan menyang produk kanthi label sampo sing apik sing negesake kualitas lan nggawe merek sampeyan luwih berkesan. Kanthi kita, sampeyan entuk 100% label sampo khusus sing bisa dilebokake ing produk sampeyan. Kita nggawa macem-macem bahan tahan banyu kanggo mesthekake label sampo sampeyan ora mung apik, nanging ora dikupas utawa diusap ing kamar mandhi. Yen sampo sampeyan dikemas ing botol sing bisa dipencet, kita uga duwe film fleksibel sing dirancang kanggo ngatasi meres.

Produk No.CCPPT052
FacestockMbusak BOPP
AdesifPerekat akrilik permanen
LinerLiner putih glassine
-20 ° F -200 ° F
-23 ° F
NyithakWerna Lengkap
FiturDigunakake kanthi wiyar kanggo label botol kosmetik lan omben-omben, kanthi adesif khusus kanggo label sandhangan lan wiper udan sing bisa dicopot.